How much does the shipping cost?

I offer FREE SHIPPING worldwide as a thank you gesture to you for being part of my art world

Where do you ship?

I'm proud to offer international shipping. You can place your order from wherever you live across the world and I will deliver your fine art prints or original paintings straight to your door.

How long does shipping take?

Processing Times

- Fine Art Prints can take up to 14 business days

- Originals can take 2-4 weeks


What is your Exchange Policy?

Fine Art Prints - Unfortunately I do not accept exchanges due to the made-to-order basis of my Fine Art Prints

What is your Return Policy?

If there is an issue with your order, I won't leave you hanging! If something has gone wrong, or your item wasn't as you were expecting - please contact me within 24hours and I will do everything I can to make it right. Below are my policies on returns for each product. I do my best to offer colour accurate photography of the artwork, but please be mindful that calibrations are of concern, I recommend viewing the item from multiple devices (desktop, iPhone, etc.)

Origials - Original artwork can be returned (insured) within 2 weeks, providing it is undamaged and in all of it's original packaging. Please note that you will have to bear the direct cost of returning the product and please keep your receipt of proof of your postage.

Fine Art Prints - Unfortunately I do not accept returns due to the made-to-order basis of our Fine Art Prints.

What if the package came damaged?

If your item has arrived in a damaged condition, please reach out to me within 24 hours of receiving your package and take a picture of the following:

1. The external packaging

2. The shipping label on the packaging

3. The damage to the artwork or frame

Thank you

    I'm here for YOU!
    If you still have any questions or need assitance, please don't hesitate to contact me. I highly value you as my customer and I want you to be HAPPY